Monday, December 10, 2012

Maths Mentoring

Mr Coldrick's latest initiative is a maths mentoring programme with TY pupils. Several TY pupils are now helping younger pupils, who struggle with maths, a number of times a week. Lydia Johnson reports.

About a month ago, Mr. Coldrick asked around the transition year, people who had done higher level in their junior cert, if they would be interested in tutoring a junior pupil in maths, as one of the numeracy initiatives. I was really enthusiastic about the idea, as I thought it would be good for the student to be taught by someone of a similar age with the same perspective, but also because it would be a great experience for us, the mentors, almost as a sort of teaching work experience. It was very appropriate for people in transition year, as this year is all about trying new things , and experiencing the type of things you wouldn`t necessarily learn in a classroom, so one on one mentoring sessions with a younger student fits perfectly into the TY programme. And so, 5 girls and 4 boys including myself in the transition year began giving lessons to our assigned students for an hour a week, in two half hour sessions or all in one go. The nine students being tutored range from first to third year, doing both higher and ordinary level junior cert, so there is a wide variety of standards. As far as I know, everybody who volunteered is thoroughly enjoying themselves, and I for one get on great with the boy I work with, and really look forward to our sessions as we do the work, but we also have great fun while we are doing it! I think it is a brilliant thing to do and I am very glad Mr. Coldrick established it, as it is very beneficial for everyone involved. 

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